Coxhoe Primary School

Believe and Achieve

0191 3770294

Careers - Our Vision

We aim to ensure that our children believe that they can achieve ambitious goals in order to be a success in any career they wish to follow

We know that even at the young age of three or four, children are already starting to form their first aspirations. By six they are starting to have opinions on what they think they can or can’t do in the future. By the time they’re 10, young people start to make decisions which could go on to limit their future options. 

At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that all children have the potential to flourish, reach their full potential and be whatever they aspire to be in life. Our key curriculum drivers underpin this belief:

  • Our curriculum is driven by challenging stereotypes and building cultural capital where our children have the knowledge and experiences to be successful and make choices without limits.
  • Our curriculum promotes the importance of being aspirational where our children believe that they can achieve ambitious goals in order to have a successful career.

What does this look like in our school?

  • Making meaningful links to the world of work within curriculum lessons
  • Providing children with opportunities to learn from real world contexts, interact with employers and experience workplaces
  • Enabling children to make links between what they are learning in the classroom and the practical application of that knowledge (and skills)
  • Ensuring that children begin to understand the skills required in the workplace and have opportunities to develop these
  • Helping children understand the opportunities available to them in the local and regional labour market, and variety of pathways into these roles, including through further and higher education.

Meet Balwant, 22, an aircraft engineer for British Airways at Heathrow Airport.

"The hardest part was the interview process and getting onto the apprenticeship. From there, everyone just helps you work your way through."

Links to useful careers websites 

(find your perfect job) (Careers resources tailored towards North East schools) (Government website containing careers information, advice and guidance.) (Information about taking an apprenticeship route into employment) (Information about how primary schools are raising aspirations.) (Information and guidance to develop aspirations in engineering) (Information about careers in the subsea industry)  (A wealth of information and resources aimed to develop aspirations of working in the NHS)

2023 - 2024

First Aid Training

Our whole school text theme in spring term is careers. In Reception and Year 1 the children are reading What Will I Be? by Frances Stickley and Lucy Fleming. In Years 2-6, they are reading What Jobs Could You Do? by Catherine Barr and Ana Gomez. Watch this space for some of our children's fabulous work!


Police Officers

Police Officers

Police Officers


Fire Fighters


Year 5 Transition Activities


2022 - 2023

Regional Winners!: Year 6 entry from Rose and Poppy

In summer term, Sunderland Empire Theatre came into school to talk to KS2 about careers in the theatre.

Donna from the NHS Emotional Resilience Team came to talk to us in assembly about her career and how she helps children and young people.

Our Very First Careers Fair

This half term we had our very first Coxhoe Primary School Careers Fair. Ten volunteers from different sectors/companies chatted to our children throughout the afternoon of Friday 9th June about the companies that they work for and their careers. The children asked lots of thoughtful questions, as always, and were inspired by the people who they spoke to. All children across the school dressed up as the career they want to be as they get older.

Our children in Year 2 and Year 5 took part in a Flat Stan first aid workshop with Garry. This workshop taught our children vital and essential first aid life skills. 

Year 1 had great fun being musicians during their 'Little Fingers' sessions with Durham Music Service!

Career Assemblies linked to Curriculum Subjects


Creating Computational Thinkers!

Head over to our computing page to see what else we have been up to


Hoping to be Historians!

Head over to our history page to see what else we have been up to


Excited to be English Experts!

Head over to our English page to see what else we have been up to

Design and Technology

Careers Assembly

Design and Technology - Challenging gender stereotypes in STEM careers

Dreaming of being Designers!

Art and Design

Careers Assembly

Acting like Artists and Developing into Designers!


Our Journey to be Geographers

Head over to our computing page to see what else we have been up to


Made to be Mathematicians!

Head over to our maths page to see what else we have been up to


Careers Assembly

Musicians in the Making!


Careers Assembly

Longing to be Linguists!

In Year 6, during their French lessons, the children have been looking at the job of a weather forecaster and delivering this in French!


Careers Assembly

Aspiring to be Athletes!