Mrs Tufts Miss Calvert
Year 2
Useful Info
Please ensure your child brings the following to school every day...
Labelled water bottle containing water.
Their book bag containing their planner and reading book.
Your child may also want to bring in their own snack each day. Please ensure that this is a healthy snack such as fruit or a cereal bar. Reminder: our school is nut free.
Our PE day is a Thursday. Children must come into school in their kit with suitable footwear. Please ensure your child has jogging bottoms for colder days, as we spend a lot of our time outdoors.
Mathletics homework is set on a Friday and is due the following Friday.
Please sign planners by Monday of each week.
Useful websites, Links and Apps...
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Read our Autumn term newsletter for key information
What we've been up to...
Autumn Term