Coxhoe Primary School

Believe and Achieve

0191 3770294

  1. News
  2. Urgent On-line Safety Information

Urgent On-line Safety Information

23 June 2017 (by admin)

Snapchat has developed a new feature called Snapmaps which allows users to see the location of other users of snapchat. It is important that you check your child's privacy settings if they use this app.

There are three possible settings, sharing with no-one (Ghost Mode), sharing with select friends (Chose which friends you share your location with) and my friends (Share your location with all your friends). Many children have a large number of “friends” on their accounts who they probably do not know well, and could be accidentally sharing their location. We regularly discuss ways to stay safe online in school but it is important that parents also discuss these issues at home and monitor their child's use of the internet and social media.