At Coxhoe Primary School we believe that reading is fundamental. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be!


What we say about English at Coxhoe Primary

Our English lead, Mrs Caygill, says...

At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations. This will also help them to deal more successfully with other curriculum subjects. 

Our Year 6 English Ambassadors (Emily, Eva, Riley and Isabelle) say...

Hello, we are the English Ambassadors. In our school, English is taught in a special way that makes us feel excited and ready to learn. During English lessons, we let our imaginations run wild especially during creative writing! We enjoy everything in English including Poetry Weeks and Anti bullying Week. We LOVE starting a new book. In our school, we use visual literacy to help us create our own stories and draw illustrations and these lessons are so enjoyable. We know that spelling, grammar and punctuation are sometimes tricky but our teachers help us with this and we never feel under pressure to know everything. Anything is possible in English lessons at Coxhoe Primary School.

Children from across school say...

English is my favourite subject and I love all of the activities we do (Willow - Year 1)

I love the stories that we read (Goldie - Year 2)     

In our class we like to include the 'Word of the Week' in our writing. We really enjoy it! (Martha - Year 3)

I enjoy all of the types of writing we do (Joseph - Year 4) 

I enjoy the variety of tasks and activities we do during English lessons (Emily - Year 5 )

I like listening to the music in the background when completing writing and I also like to use the concentration station (Molly - Year 6)                                 

Curriculum Intent

It is our intent at Coxhoe Primary School to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in English, which develops their love of reading, writing and discussion. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, children have the required knowledge and skills that allow them to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in life.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2024 2025

English Policy 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS1 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS2  2024 2025

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' leaflet for parents

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' PowerPoint Presentation

English enrichment activities:

  • Termly reading and writing awards ceremony
  • Reading Buddies (Year 6 and Year 1; Year 5 and Year 2)
  • Author visits
  • World Book Day
  • Bedtime stories
  • Book swaps
  • EYFS/Key Stage 1 reading boxes/shared reading books to encourage reading for pleasure
  • Parent workshops in EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2
  • Daily story time
  • Whole school writing (based on the same text or theme)
  • Monthly Reading Raffle
  • Forest School
  • Year 1 Book Stop
  • Outdoor Library and Reading Shed

Long Term Plans:


In Reception and Key Stage 1, children read books from a reading scheme linked closely to the Little Wandle phonics programme. 

In Key Stage 2, we use Accelerated Reader to promote a love of reading as well as ensuring children develop strong comprehension skills using a structured and rewarding approach.

Please find reading long terms plan below:

Reading Long Term Plan Year 1

Reading Long Term Plan Year 2

Reading Long Term Plan Year 3

Reading Long Term Plan Year 4

Reading Long Term Plan Year 5

Reading Long Term Plan Year 6

Please find our core book spine that we offer for each year group and cycle below:

EYFS Library

Year 1 Library

Year 2 Library

Year 3/4 Library Cycle A

Year 3/4 Library Cycle B

Year 5/6 Library Cycle A

Year 5/6 Library Cycle B


At Coxhoe Primary School we encourage creative planning bespoke to the needs of our children. Therefore, our teachers decide on the genres of writing taught. Grammar, vocabulary and spelling are taught weekly along side these.

Please find writing long term plans below:

Year 1 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 2 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 3 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 4 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 5 Writing Long Term Plan

 Year 6 Writing Long Term Plan


In Reception and Year 1, our children follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics Programme which teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. For more information please click here.

English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2024


Spring Term 2024


Autumn Term 2023


English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2022 - 2023

Whole School Writing

Our whole school writing theme this term has been centred around learning more about children who are refugees. Year 6 read The Day War Came by Nicola Davies and The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They then wrote and illustrated their own picture books based on this. Year 1 loved listening to the stories read by the authors and illustrators of the picture books! 

At Coxhoe Primary School we believe that reading is fundamental. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be!


What we say about English at Coxhoe Primary

Our English lead, Mrs Caygill, says...

At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations. This will also help them to deal more successfully with other curriculum subjects. 

Our Year 6 English Ambassadors (Emily, Eva, Riley and Isabelle) say...

Hello, we are the English Ambassadors. In our school, English is taught in a special way that makes us feel excited and ready to learn. During English lessons, we let our imaginations run wild especially during creative writing! We enjoy everything in English including Poetry Weeks and Anti bullying Week. We LOVE starting a new book. In our school, we use visual literacy to help us create our own stories and draw illustrations and these lessons are so enjoyable. We know that spelling, grammar and punctuation are sometimes tricky but our teachers help us with this and we never feel under pressure to know everything. Anything is possible in English lessons at Coxhoe Primary School.

Children from across school say...

English is my favourite subject and I love all of the activities we do (Willow - Year 1)

I love the stories that we read (Goldie - Year 2)     

In our class we like to include the 'Word of the Week' in our writing. We really enjoy it! (Martha - Year 3)

I enjoy all of the types of writing we do (Joseph - Year 4) 

I enjoy the variety of tasks and activities we do during English lessons (Emily - Year 5 )

I like listening to the music in the background when completing writing and I also like to use the concentration station (Molly - Year 6)                                 

Curriculum Intent

It is our intent at Coxhoe Primary School to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in English, which develops their love of reading, writing and discussion. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, children have the required knowledge and skills that allow them to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in life.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2024 2025

English Policy 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS1 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS2  2024 2025

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' leaflet for parents

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' PowerPoint Presentation

English enrichment activities:

  • Termly reading and writing awards ceremony
  • Reading Buddies (Year 6 and Year 1; Year 5 and Year 2)
  • Author visits
  • World Book Day
  • Bedtime stories
  • Book swaps
  • EYFS/Key Stage 1 reading boxes/shared reading books to encourage reading for pleasure
  • Parent workshops in EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2
  • Daily story time
  • Whole school writing (based on the same text or theme)
  • Monthly Reading Raffle
  • Forest School
  • Year 1 Book Stop
  • Outdoor Library and Reading Shed

Long Term Plans:


In Reception and Key Stage 1, children read books from a reading scheme linked closely to the Little Wandle phonics programme. 

In Key Stage 2, we use Accelerated Reader to promote a love of reading as well as ensuring children develop strong comprehension skills using a structured and rewarding approach.

Please find reading long terms plan below:

Reading Long Term Plan Year 1

Reading Long Term Plan Year 2

Reading Long Term Plan Year 3

Reading Long Term Plan Year 4

Reading Long Term Plan Year 5

Reading Long Term Plan Year 6

Please find our core book spine that we offer for each year group and cycle below:

EYFS Library

Year 1 Library

Year 2 Library

Year 3/4 Library Cycle A

Year 3/4 Library Cycle B

Year 5/6 Library Cycle A

Year 5/6 Library Cycle B


At Coxhoe Primary School we encourage creative planning bespoke to the needs of our children. Therefore, our teachers decide on the genres of writing taught. Grammar, vocabulary and spelling are taught weekly along side these.

Please find writing long term plans below:

Year 1 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 2 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 3 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 4 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 5 Writing Long Term Plan

 Year 6 Writing Long Term Plan


In Reception and Year 1, our children follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics Programme which teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. For more information please click here.

English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2024


Spring Term 2024


Autumn Term 2023


English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2022 - 2023

Whole School Writing

Our whole school writing theme this term has been centred around learning more about children who are refugees. Year 6 read The Day War Came by Nicola Davies and The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They then wrote and illustrated their own picture books based on this. Year 1 loved listening to the stories read by the authors and illustrators of the picture books! 

At Coxhoe Primary School we believe that reading is fundamental. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be!


What we say about English at Coxhoe Primary

Our English lead, Mrs Caygill, says...

At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations. This will also help them to deal more successfully with other curriculum subjects. 

Our Year 6 English Ambassadors (Emily, Eva, Riley and Isabelle) say...

Hello, we are the English Ambassadors. In our school, English is taught in a special way that makes us feel excited and ready to learn. During English lessons, we let our imaginations run wild especially during creative writing! We enjoy everything in English including Poetry Weeks and Anti bullying Week. We LOVE starting a new book. In our school, we use visual literacy to help us create our own stories and draw illustrations and these lessons are so enjoyable. We know that spelling, grammar and punctuation are sometimes tricky but our teachers help us with this and we never feel under pressure to know everything. Anything is possible in English lessons at Coxhoe Primary School.

Children from across school say...

English is my favourite subject and I love all of the activities we do (Willow - Year 1)

I love the stories that we read (Goldie - Year 2)     

In our class we like to include the 'Word of the Week' in our writing. We really enjoy it! (Martha - Year 3)

I enjoy all of the types of writing we do (Joseph - Year 4) 

I enjoy the variety of tasks and activities we do during English lessons (Emily - Year 5 )

I like listening to the music in the background when completing writing and I also like to use the concentration station (Molly - Year 6)                                 

Curriculum Intent

It is our intent at Coxhoe Primary School to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in English, which develops their love of reading, writing and discussion. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, children have the required knowledge and skills that allow them to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in life.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2024 2025

English Policy 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS1 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS2  2024 2025

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' leaflet for parents

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' PowerPoint Presentation

English enrichment activities:

  • Termly reading and writing awards ceremony
  • Reading Buddies (Year 6 and Year 1; Year 5 and Year 2)
  • Author visits
  • World Book Day
  • Bedtime stories
  • Book swaps
  • EYFS/Key Stage 1 reading boxes/shared reading books to encourage reading for pleasure
  • Parent workshops in EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2
  • Daily story time
  • Whole school writing (based on the same text or theme)
  • Monthly Reading Raffle
  • Forest School
  • Year 1 Book Stop
  • Outdoor Library and Reading Shed

Long Term Plans:


In Reception and Key Stage 1, children read books from a reading scheme linked closely to the Little Wandle phonics programme. 

In Key Stage 2, we use Accelerated Reader to promote a love of reading as well as ensuring children develop strong comprehension skills using a structured and rewarding approach.

Please find reading long terms plan below:

Reading Long Term Plan Year 1

Reading Long Term Plan Year 2

Reading Long Term Plan Year 3

Reading Long Term Plan Year 4

Reading Long Term Plan Year 5

Reading Long Term Plan Year 6

Please find our core book spine that we offer for each year group and cycle below:

EYFS Library

Year 1 Library

Year 2 Library

Year 3/4 Library Cycle A

Year 3/4 Library Cycle B

Year 5/6 Library Cycle A

Year 5/6 Library Cycle B


At Coxhoe Primary School we encourage creative planning bespoke to the needs of our children. Therefore, our teachers decide on the genres of writing taught. Grammar, vocabulary and spelling are taught weekly along side these.

Please find writing long term plans below:

Year 1 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 2 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 3 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 4 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 5 Writing Long Term Plan

 Year 6 Writing Long Term Plan


In Reception and Year 1, our children follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics Programme which teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. For more information please click here.

English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2024


Spring Term 2024


Autumn Term 2023


English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2022 - 2023

Whole School Writing

Our whole school writing theme this term has been centred around learning more about children who are refugees. Year 6 read The Day War Came by Nicola Davies and The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They then wrote and illustrated their own picture books based on this. Year 1 loved listening to the stories read by the authors and illustrators of the picture books! 

At Coxhoe Primary School we believe that reading is fundamental. It is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be!


What we say about English at Coxhoe Primary

Our English lead, Mrs Caygill, says...

At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively, as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations. This will also help them to deal more successfully with other curriculum subjects. 

Our Year 6 English Ambassadors (Emily, Eva, Riley and Isabelle) say...

Hello, we are the English Ambassadors. In our school, English is taught in a special way that makes us feel excited and ready to learn. During English lessons, we let our imaginations run wild especially during creative writing! We enjoy everything in English including Poetry Weeks and Anti bullying Week. We LOVE starting a new book. In our school, we use visual literacy to help us create our own stories and draw illustrations and these lessons are so enjoyable. We know that spelling, grammar and punctuation are sometimes tricky but our teachers help us with this and we never feel under pressure to know everything. Anything is possible in English lessons at Coxhoe Primary School.

Children from across school say...

English is my favourite subject and I love all of the activities we do (Willow - Year 1)

I love the stories that we read (Goldie - Year 2)     

In our class we like to include the 'Word of the Week' in our writing. We really enjoy it! (Martha - Year 3)

I enjoy all of the types of writing we do (Joseph - Year 4) 

I enjoy the variety of tasks and activities we do during English lessons (Emily - Year 5 )

I like listening to the music in the background when completing writing and I also like to use the concentration station (Molly - Year 6)                                 

Curriculum Intent

It is our intent at Coxhoe Primary School to provide all of our children with a high-quality education in English, which develops their love of reading, writing and discussion. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of their primary education, children have the required knowledge and skills that allow them to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. We believe that this will give our children the tools they need to succeed in life.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy 2024 2025

English Policy 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS1 2024 2025

Home School Reading Guidelines KS2  2024 2025

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' leaflet for parents

Little Wandle 'Everybody Read' PowerPoint Presentation

English enrichment activities:

  • Termly reading and writing awards ceremony
  • Reading Buddies (Year 6 and Year 1; Year 5 and Year 2)
  • Author visits
  • World Book Day
  • Bedtime stories
  • Book swaps
  • EYFS/Key Stage 1 reading boxes/shared reading books to encourage reading for pleasure
  • Parent workshops in EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2
  • Daily story time
  • Whole school writing (based on the same text or theme)
  • Monthly Reading Raffle
  • Forest School
  • Year 1 Book Stop
  • Outdoor Library and Reading Shed

Long Term Plans:


In Reception and Key Stage 1, children read books from a reading scheme linked closely to the Little Wandle phonics programme. 

In Key Stage 2, we use Accelerated Reader to promote a love of reading as well as ensuring children develop strong comprehension skills using a structured and rewarding approach.

Please find reading long terms plan below:

Reading Long Term Plan Year 1

Reading Long Term Plan Year 2

Reading Long Term Plan Year 3

Reading Long Term Plan Year 4

Reading Long Term Plan Year 5

Reading Long Term Plan Year 6

Please find our core book spine that we offer for each year group and cycle below:

EYFS Library

Year 1 Library

Year 2 Library

Year 3/4 Library Cycle A

Year 3/4 Library Cycle B

Year 5/6 Library Cycle A

Year 5/6 Library Cycle B


At Coxhoe Primary School we encourage creative planning bespoke to the needs of our children. Therefore, our teachers decide on the genres of writing taught. Grammar, vocabulary and spelling are taught weekly along side these.

Please find writing long term plans below:

Year 1 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 2 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 3 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 4 Writing Long Term Plan

Year 5 Writing Long Term Plan

 Year 6 Writing Long Term Plan


In Reception and Year 1, our children follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Phonics Programme which teaches children to read accurately and fluently with good comprehension. For more information please click here.

English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2023 - 2024

Summer Term 2024


Spring Term 2024


Autumn Term 2023


English at Coxhoe Primary School in 2022 - 2023

Whole School Writing

Our whole school writing theme this term has been centred around learning more about children who are refugees. Year 6 read The Day War Came by Nicola Davies and The Journey by Francesca Sanna. They then wrote and illustrated their own picture books based on this. Year 1 loved listening to the stories read by the authors and illustrators of the picture books!