Mrs Tufts Miss Calvert
Year 2
Year 2 2024-2025
Take a look at our career aspirations that we shared in our autumn careers survey...
footballer, crime scene investigator, dance teacher, painter, animal rescuer, zookeeper, boxer, basketballer, Amazon worker, hair dresser, ice skater, army, post man, a mammy, shop keeper, goalie, teacher, scientist, astronaut, pizza guy
Useful Info
Please ensure your child brings the following to school every day...
Labelled water bottle containing water.
Their book bag containing their planner and reading book.
Your child may also want to bring in their own snack each day. Please ensure that this is a healthy snack such as fruit or a cereal bar. Reminder: our school is nut free.
Our PE day is a Tuesday. Children must come into school in their kit with suitable footwear. Please ensure your child has jogging bottoms for colder days, as we spend a lot of our time outdoors.
Mathletics homework is set on a Friday and is due the following Friday.
Please sign planners by Monday of each week.
Spellings will be stuck in planners each Monday, ready for a quiz the following Monday.
How we enrich our Coxhoe Curriculum and raise aspirations through careers activities, visits visitors and other experiences...
Useful websites, Links and Apps...
Year 2 Curriculum Overview
Read our Spring term newsletter for key information
What we've been up to...
Spring Term
What our children in Year 2 children say about curriculum enrichment this term...
Autumn Term
What we have said about enrichment this term:
In English café, we went into the hall and played lots of different English games and I liked all the games we could try. - Emily
We explored Hardwick Park looking for human and physical features. Then we did some activities like making nests and drawing wildlife. - Elijah
I enjoyed the visit from Lingotots and enjoyed learning Spanish. - Jayden
The visitors made a Christmas tree and Santa hat out of healthy foods. I enjoyed learning about foods that were good for you and foods that weren’t. - Alaya
I like the walk to the church and singing in front of everyone at Harvest Festival. - Henry