Miss Pinkerton & Mrs Summerill
Year 5
What we've been up to...
Summer Term
This term, Dickens class jumped into 11th century Scotland as we performed Shakespeare's fantastic play 'Macbeth'. The children did an amazing job of telling the story of Macbeth and performed their roles excellently.
In English, we have continued to develop our knowledge of poetry and have written a poem based on 'On the Run from Colours'. We developed our own ideas and created a fully illustrated poem before performing this to the class.
We were really excited to participate in our new drop down day to design and plant up our own potting beds. It was great to plant everything and we can't wait to see them grow.
Our cogs have been turning this term in DT as we have been investigating and constructing our own gears and pulley mechanisms.
We have had Adam Bushnell visit us in school to work with us on our writing. We are exploring the book Shackleton's Journey in English and he worked with us on an aspect of this. We explored the part of his journey where him and his crew got stuck in the ice and worked to create our own descriptions. When we had done this, we read them to each other.
In Maths, we have bee looking at shape and the properties of shape. As part of this, we learn about angles and how to measure them using protractors. We learnt all about how to use the protractors and then measured them ourselves using angles on our tables.
Spring Term
Our brains have been full of charge this term in science with our new topic of electricity! We have made some enlightening discoveries during our lessons as we build and adapt our circuits.
A fantastic range of characters set foot through the doors of Dickens class this World Book Day! Footballers, villains, explorers, princesses and heroes - we really had it all!
For our dojo party, we had an amazing afternoon of baking and decorating cupcakes. We developed our measuring, mixing and teamwork skills - all while having lots of fun!
In DT this term we have been practising our sewing skills in preparation for making our own bags. We have mastered the running stitch, back stitch and over stitch!
During poetry week, we carefully analysed and compared the unique poems of John Agard. Following this, we used his creative and eccentric style of writing as a framework to compose our own amazing poems.
In the Autumn term, we completed a piece of art work which was to be installed in Durham Cathedral. After what felt like a very long wait, we got to go and see our artwork installed, complete a workshop around this and explore the cathedral further. It was amazing seeing our work in person alongside the other schools and we were very proud of what we had achieved.
In Science, we have explored the topic of forces. To help us understand these better, each lesson we completed an experiment to look at how these forces impact the world around us. We completed experiments on friction, air resistance, water resistance and gravity.
Autumn Term
In DT this term, we have been designing, building and creating our own models of bird hides which could be created into a life-sized version. We learnt a variety of techniques to help us create our models and spent the day problem-solving and helping each other.
Because we have been reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, we had our very own Harry Potter experience. A visitor brought in various animals that we would find in our Harry Potter story and we learnt a lot about these to use as inspiration for our writing.
We hod a fabulous time at Wellfield for a transition day. Throughout the afternoon, we completed Halloween themed activities including a science experiment, computing our own research and making lanterns and masks. It was great to see what a secondary school was like and the food was good too!
We had been given the opportunity to complete an art project for a Durham Cathedral Heritage project. Our aim was to create a glass piece which represented the mining community of our area or the future we envisage. It was great fun creating our art work and even more fun using the paint pens. Our final pieces were phenomenal!
We love skipping day every year! It was great to work alongside the skipping team again and practise our skills that we have developed over the previous years. We remembered many of our techniques and were able to apply these. Our favourite part was the long rope skipping.
We love getting active in our maths lessons. In this session, we used bean bags to throw and create our own numbers. We were then set a series of challenges to complete with our number.
Year 5 and 6 Curriculum Overview (Cycle A)
Year 5 and 6 Curriculum Overview (Cycle B)
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