'Never get discouraged if you fail. Learn from it. Keep trying.' - Thomas Edison
Our science lead, Mr Mason, says...
Science is a core subject and is hugely important to help children learn about the way the world works. Our children at Coxhoe love our science lessons! Teachers are great at making the lessons fun and engaging and that is evident in the children's positivity and recall of facts. Science is an essential subject to learn for a number of different careers and at Coxhoe, we are equipping our children with a firm foundation in scientific knowledge, giving them every chance of success in the future.
Our Year 6 science Ambassadors (Sebastian, Isaac, Lavender, Samuel) say...
"At Coxhoe, we really love science! Our teachers make the lessons really fun and we get to do really cool stuff including extremely exciting experiments. We have lots of questions about how things work and science helps us to answer those questions. We think it is a really important subject as a good scientific knowledge is needed for lots of different areas and jobs. We recently spoke to children across the school about science, and they had an excellent knowledge of what they were learning about! They were very enthusiastic about learning new things in science and finding answers to their questions and they were particularly enthusiastic about our scientific enquiries!
We look at a range of different topics in science. We look at things like:
· The theory of evolution
· Space
· Plants and animals
· Climate change
· The human body
And many more things.
We love Science at Coxhoe and are looking forward to making it even better!"
Children from across school say...
"I like it when we get to make things and watch them change." - Year 6
"Science is really good because you get to do experiments that are fun." - Year 5
"I loved disolving the egg shell in vinegar, it was like a bouncy ball." - Year 4
"I like looking at mini-beasts and finding out where they live." - Year 2
"The reaction in the coke and mentos challenge was really interesting." - Year 3
Curriculum Intent
It is our aim to help children understand that science is all around us.
By giving children the skills to question their surroundings and how we are all affected by our environment, we can develop our children into scientific thinkers.
Throughout their time at Coxhoe Primary School, children will develop the ability to investigate a wide variety of scientific topics, each year building on the investigation skills they have been taught.
Enrichment Activities in Science
Long Term Plan
Science at Coxhoe 2023-2024
Summer Term 2024
Spring Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023
Science at Coxhoe 2022-2023
'Never get discouraged if you fail. Learn from it. Keep trying.' - Thomas Edison
Our science lead, Mr Mason, says...
Science is a core subject and is hugely important to help children learn about the way the world works. Our children at Coxhoe love our science lessons! Teachers are great at making the lessons fun and engaging and that is evident in the children's positivity and recall of facts. Science is an essential subject to learn for a number of different careers and at Coxhoe, we are equipping our children with a firm foundation in scientific knowledge, giving them every chance of success in the future.
Our Year 6 science Ambassadors (Sebastian, Isaac, Lavender, Samuel) say...
"At Coxhoe, we really love science! Our teachers make the lessons really fun and we get to do really cool stuff including extremely exciting experiments. We have lots of questions about how things work and science helps us to answer those questions. We think it is a really important subject as a good scientific knowledge is needed for lots of different areas and jobs. We recently spoke to children across the school about science, and they had an excellent knowledge of what they were learning about! They were very enthusiastic about learning new things in science and finding answers to their questions and they were particularly enthusiastic about our scientific enquiries!
We look at a range of different topics in science. We look at things like:
· The theory of evolution
· Space
· Plants and animals
· Climate change
· The human body
And many more things.
We love Science at Coxhoe and are looking forward to making it even better!"
Children from across school say...
"I like it when we get to make things and watch them change." - Year 6
"Science is really good because you get to do experiments that are fun." - Year 5
"I loved disolving the egg shell in vinegar, it was like a bouncy ball." - Year 4
"I like looking at mini-beasts and finding out where they live." - Year 2
"The reaction in the coke and mentos challenge was really interesting." - Year 3
Curriculum Intent
It is our aim to help children understand that science is all around us.
By giving children the skills to question their surroundings and how we are all affected by our environment, we can develop our children into scientific thinkers.
Throughout their time at Coxhoe Primary School, children will develop the ability to investigate a wide variety of scientific topics, each year building on the investigation skills they have been taught.
Enrichment Activities in Science
Long Term Plan
Science at Coxhoe 2023-2024
Summer Term 2024
Spring Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023
Science at Coxhoe 2022-2023