'The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together' - Barack Obama
Our geography lead, Miss Pinkerton, says...
At Coxhoe primary School, our children begin to learn about their locality; carefully exploring human and physical geographical features through fieldwork. Children then build upon their knowledge by comparing their life in this locality to other parts of the United Kingdom and the rest of the world. As children grow and move through school, they will build upon their knowledge and deepen their understanding by considering the interactions between the human and physical forms and processes. Geography teaching motivates children to find out about the human and physical world and enables them to recognise the importance of care and responsibility for the quality of the natural and human environment in a changing world.
Our Year 6 geography Ambassadors say...
Hello, we are the Geography Ambassadors.We have such a passion for geography and especially love learning about how the Earth is formed, different countries as well as historical geography. In geography, we learn lots of different things, including different land formations, countries and their flags, biomes across the world and food production. We also delve into important and current issues such as climate change, pollution and food waste. Throughout our time at Coxhoe Primary we learn many geographical skills such as field work, using atlases and understanding our role as global citizens. In Year 6, we are currently learning about glacial erosion and mountain formations – it rocks! Geography gives us the opportunity to explore our local environment and investigate outside of the classroom. Our geography curriculum is out of this world!
Children from across school say...
"I like that you can explore places without going there." - Year 4
"Geography helps you to know where you are in the world." - Year 3
"It's fun to use maps. I like it when we learn capital cities." - Year 2
Curriculum Intent
The intention of the Geography Curriculum at Coxhoe Primary School is to inspire children’s curiosity and interest to explore the world that we live in and its people, which aims to ignite a love of learning. We intend to equip children with geographical skills to develop their knowledge through studying places, people and natural and human environments. Through our teaching, we intend to provoke thought, questions and to encourage children to discover answers to their own questions through exploration and research to enable them to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of the world and their place in it.
To read our full intent, implementation and impact, click the link:
Enrichment Opportunities
Long Term Plan
To develop confident geographers at Coxhoe Primary School a discrete geography lesson is taught for one hour a week or two hours every two weeks. Each term will focus on a different aspect of Geography, continuously developing geographical skills and fieldwork.
Geography at Coxhoe Primary School 2024-25
Autumn Term 2024
Geography at Coxhoe Primary School 2023-24
Summer Term 2024
Spring Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023