School Council

What is School Council?

We value the opinions of our pupils and the School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions about school life.

A new school council is elected each year, with every class from Y2 to Y6 nominating representatives. These meet at least half termly, often monthly.

Our School Council Representatives 23-24



September 2024


What we are doing?

July 2024

The School Council representatives met with Mrs Bartle and Mrs Duffy to reflect upon their year in their important roles. They dicussed what they had enjoyed about the role and how it could be made better for the next group of School Council who will be elected in September. They discussed that it would be helpful to have regular reminders of their assignment for that month, have a consistent meeting point and to plot out the meetings in a shared calendar for children and teachers across the year. The children are keen to lead an assembly in Septemeber to inform potential candiates about the roles and responsibilites of being a Coxhoe School Council representative. 

April 2024

The School Council met with Chartwells to hold a School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG).  They did an amazing job of sharing pupil voice, identifying strengths of our school lunches as well as things they would like to see improved. The Chartwells manager was extremely impressed with how the children were able to hold a mature and balanced discussion.


Suggestions included: refreshed salad bar for children on a later sitting, hydration station brough back to the hall (water infused with fresh fruit),  separating the fruit/biscuit dessert so that the biscuit stays crisp. 

February 2024

The school currently has a school dog, stick insects and fish; they brought feedback from their peers with suggestions for other school pets. The children discussed the advantages and disadvatages of school pets.  

January 2024

School Council gathered information from their classes and feedback:

What clubs they would like in the future?

Dojos - feedback on what is offered in their box, new ideas for vouchers

What do the children think of outdoor equipment and the rotas for play times? 


School staff and leadership team have made the following changes in response:

Clubs offer adapted to include some of the new suggestions for summer term

Iddeas for Dojo Dip vouchers fedback to all staff - more varied in each class now.

New equipment order for playtime to include more varied balls and bettre access to the tyre

Rotas for playtime to include more time of adventure trail for all.  Now displayed in a lrage formt on doors. 


Autumn 2 Update

School Council shared their feedback from the children across school:

  • Democracy is in action in lots of school life. Examples include: school council roles, other job roles in the class, choices of books they ready, choices of activities, after school clubs they are offered
  • Other ideas for democracy included:  what to do for special events  &  exploring class pets 

October Update

School Council tell us what our pupils say about:

  • Democracy opportunities in our school

Our first meeting was held in September and we discussed:

  • Dojos
  • School Councillor's role