Miss Pinkerton & Mrs Summerill
Year 5
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Year 5 and 6 Curriculum Overview
What are your children learning in Year 5?
What we've been up to...
Summer Term 2024
What our children in Year 5 say about curriculum enrichment this term...
Spring Term 2024
What our children in Year 5 say about curriculum enrichment this term...
We went to Seaham beach to visit Tommy and went on a walk through Castle Eden Dene looking for flora and fauna. I liked the scavenger hunt at Tommy and our peaceful walk in the dene as well as our stick race (Brandon)
In our Taekwondo taster session we learnt different moves and how to defend ourselves if someone grabs our arm. I liked the punches and kicks we did and if we do it again, I would like more time to learn the moves (Liam)
In our Dogs Trust workshop, we learnt all about the body language of dogs. The session helped me to understand my dog and how to communicate with him. I loved the amazing dog 'Plushy' and the session was very descriptive with lots of information that was easy to understand (Ethan)
In RE this term people from different religions visited us: Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism. I really enjoyed it when Kirtida ,who was teaching us about the Hindu religion, played her music. This was my favourite part and I wish I could listen to more! (Brandon)
Poppy is in Year 5 and in the school choir. The choir visited Durham Castle this term to sing 'How far I'll go". I liked that I got to sing with my friends and I thought it was amazing! (Poppy)
Tolkien have worked on their final pieces based on our work in Science. We created a storyboard before completing our animation.
Autumn Term
What our children in Year 5 say about curriculum enrichment this term...
We went to see Matilda the Musical at the cinema. It was very good and everyone enjoyed it (Isla)
When we visited the Discovery Museum, we looked at inventions and things people used to use (Isla and Grace)
Rosie and Tyler from the County Durham Mini Police team visited us and we learnt about the police, what they do, all about their vehicles and also what anti-social behaviour is. It was super fun and I think every school should have this
During our Quidditch day, I liked how we got to use a broom and I wish we could have played for longer
In October, we visited Weardale for our residential. We did lots of activities including archery, high ropes and canoeing. I liked all of our visit and I wouldn't change anything - it was perfect (Rori-Ellen)
There were lots of activities I enjoyed during residential: leap of faith, rock climbing, raft building, camp fire and nightline (Nathan)
Firefighters from Spennymoor Fire Station visited us to talk about fire safety. We learnt about responsibilities and skills as well as some of the dangerous jobs they have to do. The visit was great (Brandon). We learnt about fireworks, sparklers, how dangerously hot they are and stop, drop and roll. I think this visit was very useful now and in later life (Oliver)
We visited Whitworth Academy where we had maths and history lessons. I enjoyed learning about Richard III (Poppy). My favourite part was the quiz (Ethan)