School Uniform 

Please ensure all parts of school uniform are clearly labelled at all times.

Uniforms can be purchased from Emblematic Ltd. Please access site for further details. Samples are available to look at in the school office if you wish to try on for size.

 Please email to request an application form for a hardship grant for up to £50.


Navy/grey/black skirt, trousers or shorts

White/pale blue shirt/blouse/polo shirt  

Pale blue/navy school dress

Navy blue round neck/v neck sweater or cardigan (school logo is optional) 

Book bag

Black school shoes/ all black trainers 

 P.E. Kit  

Plain black shorts

Plain black long jogging bottoms/leggings 

Coxhoe PE T-shirt

Coxhoe PE hoodie




Children have both PE lessons in 1 day and children attend school in their PE kit on their identified day.

Water Bottles - School water bottles can be purchased from the School Office at a small cost.

Bags - School book bags will be provided for Reception children by school in the Autumn Term.  If lost or damaged replacements can be purchased at a small cost.

Jewellery, hair and makeup

Pupils are not allowed to wear jewellery, including ear-rings, at school due to the risk of accident and injury.  If anyone wears ear-rings, for religious reasons only, these must be removed for P.E. and playtimes by the children themselves. . If children are to have ears pierced we would advise doing this during the long summer holiday.

Please support school in promoting a smart appearance - no extreme hairstyles or colour will be permitted.  

SMART Watches

In the interest of Safeguarding and Health and Safety, we operate a no jewellery policy this includes Smart watches which are not allowed in school. This is for a variety of reasons as staff are unable to monitor them closely enough to ensure they are being used safely. If your child is wearing a SMART watch for school, it will be taken from them and kept in a safe place (in a locker) until an adult collects it. However, in line with our passion for helping children to tell the time and our approach to healthy schools, a standard wrist watch or a simple fitness tracker may be worn.  The school cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage. If you are unsure whether your child’s watch is appropriate, please speak to Mrs Bartle or Mrs Storey.

