Our Coxhoe Curriculum

We have recently reviewed our Curriculum offer.  We have worked together with pupils, staff and parents to create a curriculum that not only meets the requirements of the National Curriculum, but is also bespoke to the needs of our children. Together, we have identified Key Drivers and Core Character Development Values that underpin our Coxhoe Curriculum.


Our Curriculum by Subject 

You can explore our curriculum plan by subject through the links provided below.  Each page provides the curriculum for Coxhoe mapped out in detail as well as insight into the subject in action.  If you wish to know more about our a specific aspect of the curriculum, please speak to your child's teacher or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. 



Our Coxhoe Learning Journeys

Below you can find the medium term plans for each subject which show our learning journey in science and each foundation subject.

In Key Stage 2 we have mixed age classes and therefore teach the curriculum on a Cycle A and Cycle B rotation.

We are currently working in Cycle B (2023 - 2024).


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)

Design Technology

Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)


Year 1

Year 2

LKS2 (Cycle A)

LKS2 (Cycle B)

UKS2 (Cycle A)

UKS2 (Cycle B)

Our Curriculum by Year Groups

Please click the links below to see the Coxhoe Curriculum Overview by Year Group.  Links to these documents can also be found on class pages.  Please explore other pages on the website, including class pages and our wider curriculum pages to see our Coxhoe Curriculum in action and the impact it has.

  • Core Subjects in KS1 and KS2 are English, Maths and Science - these curriculum overviews can be found on the Subject Page.
  • Foundation Subjects in KS1 and KS2 are History, Geography, Music, PE, Art and Design, RE, Foreign Languages, Computing (including online safety), Design and Technology and PSHE/RSE - these curriculum overviews can be found on the Yearly Plans below.

EYFS Curriculum

Please take a look at our Reception Curriculum to see an overview of what our children will cover throughout their first year at Coxhoe Primary School.


To ensure that all children are equally valued, we strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, and to develop an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards across all areas of our curriculum.

We believe that, through considered, creative planning and teaching, all children will have access to a broad enriching curriculum.