
Our Governing Body 

For more information on roles and responsibilities, please see the document below

Chair: Nicola Hill

Vice Chair: Mark Helm

Denise Caygill

Stuart Dunn

Sophie Taylor

Stewart Copeland

Mark Robertson

Nicola Antcliffe

Danielle Oliver

Vicki Stokes

The Governing Body have an essential role in ensuring that the school fulfils its obligations to meet National Standards by providing a broad and balanced curriculum to all pupils, as well as operating within the financial, legal and health and safety expectations of the Department of Education.

They consist of a cross section of representatives of those who have an interest in the correct operation of a school to ensure that all pupils reach their potential. Each Governing Body membership therefore comprises representatives from the staff, parents, community and LEA.

They usually meet as a full Governing Body every term, but also as sub-committees, again meeting termly, covering the following areas:- Finance & Premises and Curriculum and Standards.

Governors also act as a ‘critical friend’ of the school by offering advice and challenge to ensure the statutory functions of the school are met. The Head teacher and staff are directed by the Governing Body to implement policy and procedures daily and in the longer term.

Previous Governing Bodies

2023 -2024 Governing Body

 - please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.

2022 -2023 Governing Body

 - please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.

2021 - 2022 Governing Body

 - please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.

2020 - 2021 Governing Body

- please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.  

2019 - 2020 Governing Body

- please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.

2018 - 2019 Governing Body   

 - please click here for more information including responsibilities, committees and attendance.