At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe that children will develop their love of music and their own talent as musicians because music is the strongest form of magic.
Our Music lead, Mrs Summerill, says...
Leading Music in our school is amazing! I love to see children engaging in their music lessons, making music around school and singing within assembly. I love seeing (and hearing) children engage in a subject which has such a profound impact on our everyday lives. In school, we get to use, and learn, a range of musical instruments (including our voices and bodies). We also develop our understanding of the elements of music through exploring a wide range of musical genres. We share our music with each other and in performances as a school. It is amazing to see everyone's progress and music making.
Our Year 6 Music Ambassadors (Amber, Eliza, James and Alexandra) say...
Hi, we are the Music Ambassadors. Music in our school is taught through focussing on different genres of music. We use the instruments a lot in our lessons and get to complete lots of practical music making. In year 3. children have the opportunity to learn the recorder and in year 4 children have the opportunity to learn the cornet. It is great fun.
Children from across school say...
"I love using the instruments to create music"
"I enjoy using a wide range of instruments and getting better at using these"
"We've been learning about Jazz music and have been practising our scat singing. It was great fun"
Curriculum Intent
At Coxhoe Primary School, we believe in the value and importance of music and the teaching of music as part of the National Curriculum. We strive for all children to be given a high-quality music education which helps them to develop a deeper understanding and knowledge of music. Music should be utilised and we aim to provide children with an engaging and inspiring curriculum which can help them to develop their love of music, talent as musicians and increase their personal skills such as self-confidence, creativity and communication.
You can read our music policy below.
Long Term Plans
Enrichment Activities
Coxhoe Key Stage 2 Choir
Whole Class Brass and Recorder Session
Peripatetic Lessons - Strings, Brass and Woodwind
Durham Music Service Concerts
Key Stage 2 Musical
Useful Websites
Here are some useful music websites for practising skills and learning more about music.
Music at Coxhoe Primary School 2023-2024
Summer Term 2024
Spring Term 2024
Autumn Term 2023
Year 1
In Music we have been learning an Autumn song; Apple Tree.
Apple tree, apple tree
Will your apples fall on me?
I won't cry, I won't shout
If your apples knock me out!
Children have developed the use of pulse and tone and today, have written new lyrics to the song. Listen to our own version, Chestnut Tree...
Music at Coxhoe Primary School