Miss Dent
We are enjoying our Times Table Rock Star battle amongst the year 4 children! Keep encouraging your child with their times table recall, they are doing amazing!!
What we've been up to...
Miss Dent
I hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday and enjoy a relaxing time with friends and family. I am excited to hear all about your next adventure in your new year group!
Summer 2 Term 2023
Steel Drum Workshop
The children loved playing the drums. Each drum created a different sound and once they practised together, they created a wonderful piece of music using the drums!
DT drop down afternoon
Rowling class thoroughly enjoyed their food DT drop down afternoon. They all explored different skills to make their own healthy sandwich. The children investigated healthy food plates and healthy packed lunches. They then explored the different skills which involved making our sandwiches, chopping, cutting, grating, spreading and slicing.
Potting bed drop down day
The children in year 3 and 4 have been working extra hard in our outdoor area to make it look fantastic by adding plants and flowers to our class potting beds. The children have had so much fun exploring the different plants, investigating how we look after them, creating potting bed labels, applying to be the head gardener for the class potting bed. The children continue to be super stars as they water and watch our wonderful flowers and plants grow!
Summer 1 Term 2023
History Trip to Segedunum, Wallsend
The children across year 3 and 4 went on an adventure to a Roman fort at Segedunum in Wallsend. The children were super stars with showing everyone their amazing manners, behaviour and excellent questioning skills. They were able to go up into the tower to view the Roman fort from a height, which they sketched and then explored it further by being with a tour guide on the grounds and investigated each section of the fort. The children were able to see parts of Hadrians Wall and then had a mini battle against their team mates! Segedunum included exploring their fantastic museum.
Art Day
Rowling's art drop down day was thoroughly enjoyed as they created abstract sculptures out of card on the morning and then re created their design using clay on the afternoon. The children all made sculptures with an idea in mind but understood abstract meant they could only represent their ideas.
Dojo Party
Rowling class have worked their socks off to achieve another Dojo party! They chose to be outdoors in the lovely sunshine playing outdoors games which of course included water games which they all thoroughly enjoyed!
To cool everyone down the children enjoyed an ice pop!
Spring Term 2, 2023
Music performance
The year 3 children have been learning to play the recorder and the year 4 children have been learning to play the cornet in Rowling class over the Spring term. They have learnt many different skills and formed a fantastic talent in playing their instrument. The class were very fortunate to take part in the music performance in front of the school. The children have worked extremely hard and I am incredibly proud of them.
Design Technology
Over the Spring term all of the year 3 and 4 children have been exploring and learning all about levers and linkages. We also crossed over into our science lessons, where the children have been learning about plants.. This helped them create their own master piece with a lever, fixed pivot and linkage to make their flower 'grow' when adding seeds to their plant pot and filling the front cover full of factual information on plants.
World Book Day
We had so much fun on World Book Day. The children who dressed up looked fantastic. We took part in many fun activities based on different authors.
Spring Term 1, 2023
Mental health week
Rowling class took part in a range of different activities to promote and raise awareness for mental health. We discussed strategies which can help one another and talked about our own health. Cooper came to visit and we recognised Cooper being a great help for our mental health.
Number day!
We love to dress up and have fun in Rowling class! Everyone enjoyed number day and dressed up as a rock star or a robot from our Times Table Rock Stars online platform. During the day we danced to '5,6,7,8' by Steps and took part in many different maths activities.
Building circuits
In our science topic this half term we have explored and investigated electricity and how it works. The children made circuits that were complete and incomplete. They worked together as a team to investigate why their circuit would not work and what components they needed to make different circuits. We looked at which materials were insulators and conductors for our circuits too.
Dojo Party
We reached our goal to have a dojo party! The children have worked extremely hard and thoroughly enjoy receiving dojos for working hard, trying their best, showing kindness, gold, silver and star pupil awards. I am extremely proud of everyone in Rowling class for their determination, resilience and their kindness they show every day.
Autumn Term 1 and 2, 2022
Forest School
The past three weeks, Rowling class have explored the outdoors. Forest School has provided the children with so many experiences and developed many skills. The class have had story time, games, creating homes for the Gruffalo and friends, den building, knot tying, toasting marshmallows around the fire and learning how to explore outdoors safely.
Active activities
We are beyond proud of everyone in Coxhoe for helping raise money for ‘Smiles for Miles’. Rowling was rewarded with an active afternoon for raising the most money out of the classes. They thoroughly enjoyed their fruit platter and active games, well done everyone!
Book swap!!
Every Friday the children are given the opportunity to swap their books from home with one from the box in the classroom or to take one each week and swap it with another. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the different books provided and sharing their books with their peers.
English - roll on the wall character outline.
In English we are reading the book UG. The children have explored many of the characters so far in the book. Their task was to draw around on their peers and fill the middle of their character with descriptive words and write down what we know about the character so far around the outside.
Skipping into year 3 and 4
The children really enjoyed their skipping workshop. They developed skills as well as learnt new ones. Even Miss Dent had a go and improved some of her skills!
Welcome to Rowling Class!
We have had a super exciting first week back in school! We have had lots of fun exploring new topics of the curriculum and areas of the school!
Mento and Cola Experiment
During our transition week the children across all three classes went head to head in a mento and cola experiment. The children designed a rocket (which was indeed the cola) and they watched their rockets explode when dropping mento's into the cola. The carbon dioxide is collected from around the mints and that collection of gas forces the liquid from the bottle to explode.
Summer Term 2023 Newsletter
Autumn term
Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview (Cycle A)
Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview (Cycle B)
Homework will be set every Monday, to be completed by the following Sunday.
English: EdShed - spelling activities. You will also find your child's spellings in their planner.
Reading x3 times a week. Please write in your child's planner when they have read at home.
Maths: Mathletics and TTRock Stars
If you would like additional homework set in a particular topic/area please contact Miss Dent to set further activities.
Useful websites, Links and Apps...
Miss Dent
We are enjoying our Times Table Rock Star battle amongst the year 4 children! Keep encouraging your child with their times table recall, they are doing amazing!!
What we've been up to...
Miss Dent
I hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday and enjoy a relaxing time with friends and family. I am excited to hear all about your next adventure in your new year group!
Summer 2 Term 2023
Steel Drum Workshop
The children loved playing the drums. Each drum created a different sound and once they practised together, they created a wonderful piece of music using the drums!
DT drop down afternoon
Rowling class thoroughly enjoyed their food DT drop down afternoon. They all explored different skills to make their own healthy sandwich. The children investigated healthy food plates and healthy packed lunches. They then explored the different skills which involved making our sandwiches, chopping, cutting, grating, spreading and slicing.
Potting bed drop down day
The children in year 3 and 4 have been working extra hard in our outdoor area to make it look fantastic by adding plants and flowers to our class potting beds. The children have had so much fun exploring the different plants, investigating how we look after them, creating potting bed labels, applying to be the head gardener for the class potting bed. The children continue to be super stars as they water and watch our wonderful flowers and plants grow!
Summer 1 Term 2023
History Trip to Segedunum, Wallsend
The children across year 3 and 4 went on an adventure to a Roman fort at Segedunum in Wallsend. The children were super stars with showing everyone their amazing manners, behaviour and excellent questioning skills. They were able to go up into the tower to view the Roman fort from a height, which they sketched and then explored it further by being with a tour guide on the grounds and investigated each section of the fort. The children were able to see parts of Hadrians Wall and then had a mini battle against their team mates! Segedunum included exploring their fantastic museum.
Art Day
Rowling's art drop down day was thoroughly enjoyed as they created abstract sculptures out of card on the morning and then re created their design using clay on the afternoon. The children all made sculptures with an idea in mind but understood abstract meant they could only represent their ideas.
Dojo Party
Rowling class have worked their socks off to achieve another Dojo party! They chose to be outdoors in the lovely sunshine playing outdoors games which of course included water games which they all thoroughly enjoyed!
To cool everyone down the children enjoyed an ice pop!
Spring Term 2, 2023
Music performance
The year 3 children have been learning to play the recorder and the year 4 children have been learning to play the cornet in Rowling class over the Spring term. They have learnt many different skills and formed a fantastic talent in playing their instrument. The class were very fortunate to take part in the music performance in front of the school. The children have worked extremely hard and I am incredibly proud of them.
Design Technology
Over the Spring term all of the year 3 and 4 children have been exploring and learning all about levers and linkages. We also crossed over into our science lessons, where the children have been learning about plants.. This helped them create their own master piece with a lever, fixed pivot and linkage to make their flower 'grow' when adding seeds to their plant pot and filling the front cover full of factual information on plants.
World Book Day
We had so much fun on World Book Day. The children who dressed up looked fantastic. We took part in many fun activities based on different authors.
Spring Term 1, 2023
Mental health week
Rowling class took part in a range of different activities to promote and raise awareness for mental health. We discussed strategies which can help one another and talked about our own health. Cooper came to visit and we recognised Cooper being a great help for our mental health.
Number day!
We love to dress up and have fun in Rowling class! Everyone enjoyed number day and dressed up as a rock star or a robot from our Times Table Rock Stars online platform. During the day we danced to '5,6,7,8' by Steps and took part in many different maths activities.
Building circuits
In our science topic this half term we have explored and investigated electricity and how it works. The children made circuits that were complete and incomplete. They worked together as a team to investigate why their circuit would not work and what components they needed to make different circuits. We looked at which materials were insulators and conductors for our circuits too.
Dojo Party
We reached our goal to have a dojo party! The children have worked extremely hard and thoroughly enjoy receiving dojos for working hard, trying their best, showing kindness, gold, silver and star pupil awards. I am extremely proud of everyone in Rowling class for their determination, resilience and their kindness they show every day.
Autumn Term 1 and 2, 2022
Forest School
The past three weeks, Rowling class have explored the outdoors. Forest School has provided the children with so many experiences and developed many skills. The class have had story time, games, creating homes for the Gruffalo and friends, den building, knot tying, toasting marshmallows around the fire and learning how to explore outdoors safely.
Active activities
We are beyond proud of everyone in Coxhoe for helping raise money for ‘Smiles for Miles’. Rowling was rewarded with an active afternoon for raising the most money out of the classes. They thoroughly enjoyed their fruit platter and active games, well done everyone!
Book swap!!
Every Friday the children are given the opportunity to swap their books from home with one from the box in the classroom or to take one each week and swap it with another. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the different books provided and sharing their books with their peers.
English - roll on the wall character outline.
In English we are reading the book UG. The children have explored many of the characters so far in the book. Their task was to draw around on their peers and fill the middle of their character with descriptive words and write down what we know about the character so far around the outside.
Skipping into year 3 and 4
The children really enjoyed their skipping workshop. They developed skills as well as learnt new ones. Even Miss Dent had a go and improved some of her skills!
Welcome to Rowling Class!
We have had a super exciting first week back in school! We have had lots of fun exploring new topics of the curriculum and areas of the school!
Mento and Cola Experiment
During our transition week the children across all three classes went head to head in a mento and cola experiment. The children designed a rocket (which was indeed the cola) and they watched their rockets explode when dropping mento's into the cola. The carbon dioxide is collected from around the mints and that collection of gas forces the liquid from the bottle to explode.
Summer Term 2023 Newsletter
Autumn term
Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview (Cycle A)
Year 3 and 4 Curriculum Overview (Cycle B)
Homework will be set every Monday, to be completed by the following Sunday.
English: EdShed - spelling activities. You will also find your child's spellings in their planner.
Reading x3 times a week. Please write in your child's planner when they have read at home.
Maths: Mathletics and TTRock Stars
If you would like additional homework set in a particular topic/area please contact Miss Dent to set further activities.
Useful websites, Links and Apps...