British Values at Coxhoe Primary School

At Coxhoe Primary School, we actively promote the five fundamental British Values:


The rule of law

individual liberty

Mutual respect

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

This ensures that our young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain


Democracy at Coxhoe Primary School - what does it look like?

  • Classes vote for roles in school such as Head Pupils and representatives on the school council.
  • Children have the opportunity to vote when making choices about school life, for example choice of class text and  choice of rewards.
  • Children often given the opportunity to be part of decision making in school. 
  • The Coxhoe Curriculum includes the use of democracy in real life, both presently and in the past.
  • Children have regular access to news programmes and learn about modern politics in Britain.

Mutual respect at Coxhoe Primary School - what does it look like?

  • In our school, we celebrate being unique 
  • During Anti-Bullying Week we explore mutual respect in greater depth using a text in English to support this
  • Our 'Inclusion Squad' ensures that everyone feels welcome in our school family. Our assembly curriculum has a number of SEND and wellbeing foci including National Mental Health Day, Neurodiversity Celebration Week and Children's Mental Health Week.
  • Our Core Book Spine promotes mutual respect.
  • Regular and responsive online safety sessions are delivered to ensure mutual respect online. 
  • Children are encouraged to challenge prejudiced related language and incidents. 

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs at Coxhoe Primary School - what does it look like?

  • Our RE curriculum ensures that every child has a good understanding of a range of religious beliefs and customs
  • Through our assembly curriculum our children learn about important celebrations in different religions
  • During Interfaith Week, visitors talk to our children about their faith, beliefs and customs
  • Our Core Book Spine promotes tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Individual Liberty at Coxhoe Primary School - what does it look like?

  • In our school, pupils have a voice that is listened to and our pupil voice groups include our School Council, Subject Ambassadors, Activators, Inclusion Squad, Digital Leaders, Playground Stars and Pride Youth Network
  • Children are often give choices within their learning, for example how to record their work, the challenges they access or physical environment.
  • Children are provided with lots of opportunities for choice in different aspects of school life, including their lunch, snacks, play and extra curricular activities. 
  • Children are encouraged to express their individuality through activities offered, events and as part of the whole school ethos. 

The rule of law at Coxhoe Primary School - what does it look like?

  • Our Coxhoe Code of Conduct sets expectations which are clear and consistent
  • Our school Behaviour policy is fully inclusive to support the understanding of rewards and consequences for all pupils. 
  • We have a Pupil Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which ensures that we understand rules around how to stay safe on the internet.
  • Each class devises a class charter in our PSHE scheme, Jigsaw.

British Values 2023-2024

Rule of Law
Individual Liberty
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Mutual Respect

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Mutual Respect
Rule of Law
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs



Mutual Respect
