Phone: 0191 3770294
Administrators: Mrs Taylor, Miss Topping & Miss Turner
Our School Office Staff are here to help you, however here are a few items that may be useful to parents and carers.
Medication Forms
Medication from home to be given in school such as antibiotics, creams, eyedrops, inhaler (not diagnosed asthma)
Please ensure this medication is handed to a member of staff and inform a staff member that the medication form has been completed online. - MEDICATION IN SCHOOL
School held medicines (We now keep paracetamol, antihistamine, bite cream, Epi Pens and emergency inhalers in school) School-Held Medication- Whole school form to complete
Diagnosed asthma form to complete- DIAGNOSED ASTHMA FORM
School Meals
From April 2024 school meal prices are £2.81 a day.
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 currently receive free school meals paid through the universal free school meals scheme. The Government review this annually.
Please take a look at our healthy eating in school page for menus and more information.
If your child has a special diet you must complete a Chartwells special diet request form and attach a letter from a doctor/dietician to confirm the special diet, Chartwells will then plan an individual menu for your child. In the meantime we ask your child has packed lunch.
Useful links
school uniform - Student Uniform Emblematic
CoolMilk - CoolMilk
Parent's Evening Booking-
Leave of absence form below
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School app
(messages, emails, payment and club bookings) follow the instructions below to download
Download the app by searching ‘School Gateway’ in your App Store.
Please click ‘Don’t have an account? Sign Up’
Please enter the email address and mobile number school holds for you
You should receive a PIN from SchoolGateway to log in (this will be sent as a text)
If you do not receive a PIN contact school via with your up-to-date email address/phone number and we will amend our records.
Please find guides here School Gateway - Parent Support page
Medical changes September 2023
Durham County Council have recently reviewed policies relating to Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions in School. The new policy can be found on our school website. Some of the key changes include: